Pastor Jay Koopman is part of the leadership team of REGENERATION, a wing of Agape Renewal Ministry that is reaching out to the emerging generation. From the moment of his birth in 1979, Jay was surrounded by the turmoil and pain of a deeply troubled home. His brokenness led him into the world of drugs, gangs and violence. But at a pivotal moment in his life, when he was facing the reality of many years behind bars, Jay was dramatically saved and delivered through the ministry of Teen Challenge. As a result, he saw the miracle of God’s grace restore and reconcile his family through the power of love and forgiveness. From that moment on, since the age of 18, Jay’s intense passion for Jesus has brought a message of hope, healing, and restoration to young people.
After graduating Global University (Assemblies of God Bible College) in 2003, in Los Angeles, Jay became a youth pastor at Hope Christian Center Assemblies of God Church and revival broke out in the young adult and youth ministry in which he led. It grew from 20 to 500 people in a matter of two years. Jay is a gifted preacher, motivator and leader, and God has used him to bring revival to youth ministries around the world. Jay has a desire to use his experience of revival and church growth to raise Kingdom leaders for the next generation. Jay has worked along side of many catalyst in his generation and been Fathered by some of the most influential Pastors of his time. In 2011 Jay returned to his home town Florence, South Carolina, and is the Pastor of LIFE Ministries at PEE DEE Community Fellowship, a church that is reaching out to the broken, some of the same family and friends that Jay use to run the streets with, are now along side of him in the church serving and bringing transformation to Florence, a city Jay helped destroy in his early years, he is now impacting for God .

Pastor Jay Koopman